Free Stories

Trans Girl Diaries: Under the Desk Office Head
I want to walk into a CEO of a company’s office building, crawl under his desk and suck his dick. I’d go into his office early in the morning pretending to be there to be his new secretary. I’d hide under his desk during his important meetings and when he was alone and i would suck his dick so good ... Read full Story
1st time giving head
1st time giving head I had just broke up with my gf. I had been dressing off and on since I was a kid. Always been turned on by it. I use to sneak into my older sisters room and try on her on her panties. Love the way they felt. I would get hard and rub my little clitty but did not know how to mast... Read full Story
Head Cheerleader Mikki
At 18 i was your average kid in high school. Decent grades played sports. I was on the volleyball and swim teams. I was about 5'7" 145 lbs and in good shape. My girlfriend was 19 and used to be the head cheerleader at our school. She was gorgeous. Her names Donna and she was a freak when it ca... Read full Story
Head Cheerleader Mikki Part 4 Mikki wants a Boyfriend
This is part 4 of Mikki's story. Please read the previous chapters. After Monday night at Tommy's house I came to the conclusion that I want to be with Donna when I'm Mick and guy when I'm Mikki . It's Friday night and Donna is coming over . My dad is coming home on Sunday so my mother wants to s... Read full Story
Head cheerleader Mikki
At 16 i was your average kid in high school. Decent grades played sports. I was on the volleyball and swim teams. I was about 5'7" 130 lbs and in good shape. My girlfriend  was 19 and used to be the head cheerleader at our school. She was gorgeous. Her names Donna and she was a freak when ... Read full Story
My head was in her pants
Hot Sunday I was all abother Lookin at her rock hard bulge Like a lamb headed to slaughter! We was talkin smooth down by the water When talk led to moves And our bodies touched; Hands caressing grooves, Tongues thinking of butts, Hips hinting at truths, In insatiable lusts! Her face w... Read full Story
Head Cheerleader Mikki Part 3 Michael is Back
To understand this story you must read the previous chapters. It's Sunday morning and I'm just waking up. I'm in bed alone. As I get up I see myself in the mirror. Still dressed in powder blue lingerie and a blonde wig. I wonder where the girls are. I leave the guest room and go into mine. I stri... Read full Story
Lay.. BJ Report #3
Lay Report #3 Real TS Encounters Lay Report (BJ Report) #3 Hey, So this is my 3rd official “Encounter Report” lets just say. This was early Saturday morning June 25th, 2016. Unfortunately, this report will not be that interesting/informative. I am writing it just because it did happe... Read full Story
Head Cheerleader Mikki Part 2
Last night was one crazy night. I spent the night dressed femme and being used like a slut by my girlfriend. It was a wake up call for me. I guess wearing my mothers panties from time to time should of given me a clue about how much I liked being a femme boy. So here I am sitting in my room looki... Read full Story
Morning Head Becomes All Day Affair
I just woke up, super horny, and reach down with my hand, take out your soft cock and slowly work it while your still sleeping. Making it harder...and...harder til it's rock hard, I slip under our silk sheets and wrap my hot mouth around you stiff rod. Licking and caressing it up....a... Read full Story
Francine Hung Red Head Part 2
This is the second part of the story of "Francine" a Transgender woman from California. She and Jonathan meet in a Tucson resort two weeks after their first weekend together. Note from Francine-Thank you Mrstanley for writing and submitting my story. In real life I live and work in Cali... Read full Story
First Transgender Experience
I am an very attractive heterosexual man. I have had fantasies of having a hard cock in my mouth, but the problem is that I am much too much turned on by beautiful famales. I travel to the west coast alot, especially the bay area. One trip I picked up a periodical that had transexual women in the... Read full Story
Gay Roommate crossdress
I have been cross-dressing since I was 7, always been a bit in the closet about my homosexuality and cross-dressing but I have always loved it and kept it close. I had one roommate when I was living in Boston his name was James. he was a pretty good looking guy who seemed to always be doing well ... Read full Story
The Surprise Visit
I had been chatting for some time online with a guy who said he liked crossdressers and loved getting his cock sucked. we chatted numerous nights, roleplayed online. i guess, i don't remember, but i guess i gave him my address. but i worked long changing hours. one thursdau night about 2 am i was co... Read full Story
A Night i will Remember 4 Ever
About six months ago I went to a transvestite bar and dance club in the centre of the city where I live. I was dressed in my sexiest all-leather shift minidress, sheer stockings and 4-inch stilettos, and my favourite blonde wig. I was fully made up with long false eyelashes and blue shadow, painted ... Read full Story
The Sexual Exploits of a TV
I got to the hotel in the afternoon and he was arriving around 7. I took a long relaxing bath and spent ages preparing myself, what should I wear, make up etc. Eventually, I decided it was going to be my thigh high leather boots, short mini skirt and the new top I had just bought which has a plungin... Read full Story
How I developed a crush for transvestites
I am a 33 years old woman who loves sex very much. My name is Desire. With my boyfriend Errol we have a very happy and open relationship. Since I am also a bisexual from time to time we make love with another woman. We also had group sex a few times. Last week I left home to go to my girl friend ... Read full Story
Lilith RIDes Again
I had almost given up all hope of finding a man online in time before my girlfriend and kid came home the next day. Finally at 4am a reply, his name was Todd. HE was on his way, one hour later he arrived. I got really dolled up for him this time; makeup, my favorite pink mini skirt and thigh highs o... Read full Story
Meranda James date
Vince rang my doorbell at about 7. I answer the intercom and I buzz and let him in. There were couple minutes and he was at my door. I opened the door and his eyes of hazel brown cut into me and sent a shiver up my spine. The look told me He like what he liked. He was about 5 foot 11 tall. I knew is... Read full Story
First Time Having Sex With A Shemale
Ok let's begin so I was walking down the street going to the store one day I saw a woman and her daughter moving into a house they had some heavy boxes that they need help with. At first I thought she was white girl but when I got closer to them they we're Asian becuase i only saw the back and they ... Read full Story
My black fetish
It all started when the boys in class started calling me what if I liked panties and nylons and bras who cared....when mum and dad were at work...I would wear mum’s heels and tights and her double D bra...I was tiny and had long blond curly hair and just the beginning of an o so lar... Read full Story
How I got started dressing
I was a sophomore in high school and like any teenage boy I was extremely horny. I masturbated atleast once a day usually 2 or even 3 times because I had so much time on my hands. I started off watching plain straight porn but I watched so much of it daily that I started to get bored of it. I just u... Read full Story
An Office Party I'll never forget
I've worked for a large insurance firm for twelve years.I`m their top salesman, every year -salesman of the year. Am I cocky... you bet.I`m the best salesman, and everyone in the office is lucky to have me there. Now the ladies there always look so fine, and I get my share of skirt with most of them... Read full Story
Teen pussy rendevous!
Yes, she said she would meet me at the same bathroom stall and would not you know it, she did exactly that! I was already in the ladies room, wahing my hands, and in she walks, absolutely stunning, heels on , short summer dress, beautiful face and hair and what a body, my cock got so hard right then... Read full Story
the lollipop intro
I'd just put on a pair of really short cut offs and a cut up t-shirt that was midriff and loose on the shoulders. I was shaved smooth all over and my long hair fell over my shoulders, making me look quite femmy. I drove down the interstate sucking on a lollipop feeling sexy all over. After a bit, I ... Read full Story
My First Time with a Transexual
I was in a large city about 100 miles from my home for a week on business. I had been hitting the bars for a few days with out a lot of luck. On the way back to my hotel afer work one day I picked up a few of the alternative newspapers/sex ads. Checking the ads out later I saw women, men and transex... Read full Story
My Daughter and I Visit a Lesbian Bar
It is an extremely warm Saturday night and my eighteen year old daughter Krissy and I are sitting around in the house having conversation while we drink sparkling wine. Around midnight I suggest it might be fun if we took off our clothes and sat outside on the front porch. Krissy giggles for a few m... Read full Story
The New Boss
My name is Jacklyn. I am 27 years old and was just promoted to Vice President of BB last week. I'm not a stunner but I have an okay body with a nice shape to it. I begin working here when I turned 20 and found it to be relaxing. However what everyone called the "Upstairs Crew" were very qu... Read full Story
Growing up wrong
Hello my name is Krystal, but everyone calls me Krissy. I'm 25 & live in the Detroit area. I work at a local hospital as a Physicians assist & I love it! I'm pretty much a doctor but limited at meds I can proscribe & I don't have to have malpractice insurance. Last night was my third ... Read full Story
Paying the rent in a special way!
When the rent is due, it must be paid, one way or another, usually the conventional way,which is cah or a personal check. Yet when neither is available at the time, well, other ways can be found! my landlord came over the other day, as he always does once a moth, to collect the rent, which i always ... Read full Story
More Dirty Sex with Tania. Part Two
Luckily most of the guests at the Premier Inn had now checked in so when we both went down through the reception area it was again deserted except for the receptionist who only acknowledged the door key being placed on the counter. There were a couple of people in the car park but most were only int... Read full Story
Sex with shemale and a girl
As a female, I'd never considered having sex with a shemale in my life. I mean, why would I want to be with a chick with a dick when I could be with a guy? Then, on a trip to Brazil, everything changed. I was in a club with my friends when that night's entertainment took the stage. She was one of th... Read full Story
Satisfied client
I still remember my first time with a shemale. It was a tall thin blonde that came into the office of our law company one day. I knew she was an attorney of one of our clients and I thought her boss, and my friend, sent her to express gratitude for the very good deal we helped him to close. As I ... Read full Story
Fucking with Gina!
Hi! Here I am with my own story! I’m a young white guy, a good looking son of a bitch! When I was a college student, one of those numerous young people who always rush for something, then I was a focus of interest for lots of chicks around! But then something changed. Changed a lot. As I remem... Read full Story
Shock and Awe. Part 2
Carla lay back on the white sheets and said ‘I want you to lick me down there first’ I was a bit shocked to be honest. I mean every guy imagines what it must be like to suck a cock at some point in their lives (and I just had for the first time, it was lovely), but anus licking had ne... Read full Story
A night out with my sister
Following in from Shopping with my sister - Please read my other stories first to set the scene. Jane and I lie embracing on her bed, our naked bodies merging into one as we hold each other closely. "What do you want to do tonight?" I ask "I was thinking we could have a night... Read full Story
Morning Routine at the Mansion of My Misstress
My eyes open with the gentle humming of my small alarm clock. I quickly shut it off so as not to disturb anyone else in the room. Its 4:30am, well before light creeps into the day and the room is now pitch black. Very quietly I rise up on my hands and knees and crawl off of the small doggy bed on th... Read full Story
34C – 26 – 39
34C – 26 – 39. It’s not a part of my ID card number, these are proportions of my shemale figure. Breast implants - and I have 34C-size of my boobs. Girdle on my waist makes it just 26 inches in girth. And my butt is really 39 inches in girth. Don’t I look sexy? -Stacie ... Read full Story
Two hot CD lesbian sluts share an intimate moment
Her name was Kelly, we had met online in one of the gay chat rooms I like to frequent and for the next couple of weeks we had developed a friendship, exchanged pics and fantasies and I was really, really into her. we had a lot in common, more than just the mere fact that we were both gay CD’s ... Read full Story
The Slut on the Balcony
A night away from home on business always meant a night of crossdressing and exhibitionism. I loved to get a room with a balcony so I could easily be seen by men walking around the motel grounds. This night I'd dolled in in a black lace corset; heels, hose, and g-string. I slipped on a leopard print... Read full Story
Bar close
1:30 am. The bar was almost closed and he still hadn't found her. The right one. He had been yearning for something different for so long now and he still didn't know quite what. He scanned the room once more and shoved his stool back with a moody sigh. He heard a muttered curse behind him which cau... Read full Story
Loving TS Sex
living in a medium size city 30 years ago, it was necessary to stay into the closet. That way of live is really still the reason why I never outed myself, even after years living in different bigger cities and several countries. I had acquired a taste for transsexuals, considering them the best o... Read full Story
Dana becomes a woman
All her life, Dana had felt different. Born a boy, she always preferred dressing in girl clothes and playing girl games. She was mistaken for a girl from the time she was toddling - her feminine face and manner always convinced people. By the time she graduated high school, Dana discovered her main... Read full Story
First TS sex
I think I was near my 35Th birthday and, believe it or not I had never had experience with a transsexual. I had plenty adventures with men and liked it very much as well as with women. Decidedly I was completely bi. As I wrote in previous stories, I’m writing about near 30 years ago. It was... Read full Story
First Meeting with Couple
Hi everyone, I actually went through with it and got together with the couple from the fetish party to experience my first sex and scene in real life. It didn't go as i had dreamed of; but, thinking that it would go like that was pretty naive on my part. To start with, i Must tell how cute I l... Read full Story
Wild after-hours for a working... effeminate crossdresser
Left work after-hours, cross-dressed underneath w light lingerie & lots of colored little tattoos I draw myself over my hairless body. After drinking lots of spirits on my way home, arrived at my neighborhood park late at night & felt like wishing to be ..... badly abused! I got rid of the... Read full Story
More TS sex
Some time passed since my first encounter with the lovely transvestite and I often remembered it in my lonely bed. But I couldn’t make the decision to seek her again. Maybe afraid from being seen, as she used to walk around near my office I started leaving office before dark. When I went ou... Read full Story
My lesbian shemale adventure
My name's Kimmi and I used to be a stripper. I'm a genetic girl, and I always had a wild streak. Guys liked me 'cause of my long blond hair, slender build, and sense of humor. They also liked my 36C breasts :) I danced at a place on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood (this is a true story, so I won't use the ... Read full Story
New neighbors
I noticed something different about the new girl moving into the apartment across from mine. She was a stone fox, but I could tell that she was a shemale. A gorgeous shemale, but definitely a shemale. I decided to play dumb as I eagerly helped her carry her belongings into her apartment. It was a ho... Read full Story
There's this street in the heart of town where I live that's looming with shemales at night. Sometimes my friends and I would just drive through, just to have a look at them, and boy are they ever hot! Some of them are better looking that the average woman! Anyway, one day I gathered the courage to ... Read full Story
Birthday Treat
It was my thirtieth birthday and my wife Alisha had a surprise planned for me, it was one surprise that I will never forget. I found myself on a plane going to Amsterdam, Alisha had planned a dirty weekend for us and what better way than to spend it in Amsterdam. We did the usual, walked round the r... Read full Story
The switch
HI have been married for 12 years now. Trim and dapper, this 35-year-old's marriage was satisfactory enough and I played the role of husband well. Sex with the wife was still good, with both making out at least once a week or on rare occasions, once monthly. Twelve years on in this heterosexual rela... Read full Story
New boyfriend and first sex with him
Turns out the guy I sucked in the faculty (college) toilet actually suspected I was a trans and that turns him on. And not only he's into trans he also told me he loves BDSM. I don't have to tell you how great this is, but let's start at the beginning. The other day after the "toilet inciden... Read full Story
Ann was the woman who gave away free samples in the supermarket where I was manager, and as often as we could, the employees could find us sitting in my office, smoking, laughing and talking. Ann had a way of smoking a cigarette that drove me insane with sexual desire. Inhaling, her lips were pucker... Read full Story
Brief Encounter
On the way back from Sidcup one evening last Summer I was busting for a piss. Getting near Croydon, I was looking for either a toilet or a wooded area. They seem to be closing all the toilets down nowadays. Just as I was near the stage of wetting myself, I noticed a sort of drive-in between bushes s... Read full Story
How I Became a 'SHAMAN
Every one is programed by society to play a certian role in life,that they are taught is reality,how ever, the truth is reality is what ever you want to make it! this is what magic is all about,making your own reality. I played the manly role in life for fourty-four years until I realized this,and b... Read full Story