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Black Cock & Birthday Presents Chapter 3
I raced upstairs but had to come back for my things. Darrell and Angela laughed about how he'd fucked me silly. "Take your time, girl," Darrell said. "I want you all dolled up in case I need some later." As I showered and touched up all the places not fully hair free from m... Read full Story
The Developing of Emma Part 5
As Kurt caressed Emma’s sweetly pronounced bottom, she realised she had never felt so feminine before, despite her newly freed cock standing stiff in nervous anticipation. She looked at the powerful male and the leering male audience; the few females there would now witness her being used as a... Read full Story
A Not-So-Small Piece of Heaven Chapter 2
I awoke the next morning and groggily rubbed my eyes. I tried to remember everything that had happened the night before. It all came flooding back to me. I remembered going to dinner with Vicky, her spraining her ankle, us coming back to her apartment, the initial kiss, the trip to the bedroom, and ... Read full Story
Dottie's Back Chapter 5
I was woken from my afternoon slumber by a soft touch to my lips. Opening my eyes, I found I was still in the room where I had been toyed to orgasm twice while an audience of men watched from behind mirrors. The mirrors had returned to their reflective setting. Kim sat beside me, looking down smilin... Read full Story
Mature crossdresser & 18 year old Part 2
After we sat on the couch a few minutes kissing he whispered in my ear he wanted try licking my boy pussy.I said yes an postion myself so he could, for a boy that never done anything sexual before he speard my cheecks and started to lick and kiss my hole.Then he buried his face and tongue deep in my... Read full Story
Casino Royal
How could I lose all your money playing blackjack, and in such a short amount of time! Now I'm stuck in Vegas on Halloween weekend with no cash, and maxed out credit cards to boot. I walk around aimlessly and are surprised to see an open conference room that is getting set up for some kind of par... Read full Story
A Whole New Me Chapter 2
I had just finished cleaning up in the bathroom. A spontaneous encounter with my best friend whilst wearing my girlfriend's thong had left me a bit of a mess and as for the thong... well I guess I'd need to find something new. Fully cleaned up, I ran naked into our bedroom and started looking thr... Read full Story
2nd date
So I previously posted a story about my thursday night at the gloryholes at Frenchy's on Polk in San Francisco. I met a gorgeous tranny and we went back to her place for some fun. Well since then we've had lots of fun. A few days after meeting Bianca I was really wanting a repeat of the fun we ha... Read full Story
my anticipated first time, cont
This was an event that i had hoped for for quite some time, i was going to enjoy this, and i knew as aroused as i was i wouldn't last 5 minutes. When iad spoken to her earlier i had asked her to bring or wear sexy heels, i saw in some of her shoots those pretty toes looked so sexy peeking thtrough a... Read full Story
Working for a Living Chapter 5
I pulled out of Chris' cabin just after six in the morning on a sunny July day headed for the beaches of Southern California. Chris had left two days earlier to visit an old neighbor from years ago but I knew what he was really doing. He had had a visit from Kelly, an 18-year old from Washington a c... Read full Story