Free Stories

The Picnic
Going for a picnic was not my idea of fun. I was not a miserable person and liked being outdoors but the idea of eating on the ground where there would be ants and flies and thing like that did not fill me with joy. However, my boyfriend had promised me that it would be fun and so I took his word fo... Read full Story
The Pop Video
I am a dancer. I love to dance and I would love to do it as a career but it is not often that I can find work. I always check the local job listings and have even travelled for work. Often it is not well paid and the travel costs are more than I get paid but because I like it so much, I tend to do t... Read full Story
First time in Bangkok
If you have read my story about the first time I was with a TS girl then you know my experience was limited to just a few times. So about 4 years ago I went to Thailand to visit my buddy who was working there in a high profile job with the Thai government. We stayed in his apartment on the 40th floo... Read full Story
The Holiday Cottage
I really needed to get away from it all. I guess it was a bit of a cliché but I had been working really hard and having no leisure time. I built up a lot of holiday and My boss insisted that I take some and relax and forget about work for a while. I lived for work and so forgetting it would b... Read full Story
Librarian with a Cock
I would go to the library on Tuesday's mainly because I was attracted to the librarian. I never really slept with women but for some reason she really turned me on. I guess it was her age, but I love older men and women (sometimes.) A few weeks ago I struck up a conversation and found out her name w... Read full Story
Gina's and Michael's Night Out, Part 1
Today we're publishing the first part of another lovely story written by our reputable forum member Ila. I believe You'll love it too and reading it will surely make you horny! Come back soon for the continuation of the story. ;) Gina stepped from the shower and grabbed a towel. She quickly dried... Read full Story
Jenny, my dental nurse
Today our dear reader Marc tells us a story about how he met his first and the only transsexual lady in life. Way back in 1988 I was a poor student in New Zealand, my first year at Auckland Uni and going it alone in terms of study fees and books. I had a bad toothache and couldn't really afford t... Read full Story
The girl that I miss so much
As if they are in collusion, our readers posted some really interesting stuff in the last 3 days I'm very glad to publish a second tgirl story in a row today. Our reader Sy from Johannesburg tells us about a beautiful girl that he spent un unforgettable evening with, and she seemed to love him too ... Read full Story
A succulent shemale cock in my mouth
Not only the readers of our ladyboy blog love jerking off to our shemale sex stories, some of them are also willing to share. A guy named Steve was always curious about how a shemale cock would taste in his mouth and he just had to let it all out. TFS, Steve. I have always wanted to know what it ... Read full Story
Sleazy shemale fantasies
Sifting through the comments that readers leave at Trans Ladyboy, i have found two really hot shemale fantasies that I would like to devote separate space to. They are both written by two horny guys, wyocock and Eddie, who dream about being with shemales all days long (the only difference is that E... Read full Story
Two ladyboys blow their seaman
Yargh! Today, my horny readers, i want to tell you a sex story about a rough sailor that accidentally got turned into a shecock lover by two sexy Filipina ladyboys. All this time he thought he was screwing two beautiful GGs when he suddenly felt something stretching his virgin anus. Enjoy this love... Read full Story
My First Shemale Sex
Another lovely short shemale story from our forum member, this time from a guy who calls himself "I Fucked A Shemale" I was at my best friends house a couple of years ago. I was maybe 18 i believe. His step mom was there. Well his new step mom that his dad just married like a few days b... Read full Story
My latest shemale incident - What a great fuck!
I checked in to my hotel and checked into the excellent website and searched for shemales in town. I happened across a lovely shemale Andrea and called her on the phone and made a date. She sent me a text saying that she was in a taxi and would be at the hotel in just a few minutes -... Read full Story
Thank you for Paradise
This hot shemale story was sent to me by our forum member Leeya and i'm anxious to share it here with everybody. It's a classy story about a guy who went to an Asian country on a business trip and met a very beautiful womain in a very romantic atmosphere... Little did he know that this young voluptu... Read full Story
First time in panties
When I was around 11, I started to enjoy playing with myself. I didnt realize at first what I was doing, but I knew it felt soo good. When I was alone at home, I would get naked at walk around the house just playing with my cock and feeling so excited. It was during one of these times that I started... Read full Story
Out and all in
I was going to publish this story tomorrow but i just don't seem to keep this only to myself and the forum members. This is another story by tgirl Fran and oh my, she does know how to write! This was one of the most vivid and romantic description of 69 sex i ever got to read! I bet you will agree wi... Read full Story
Good Morning
This story was posted at our forum by a tgirl that goes by nick franalexes and although, a certain "ali" is mentioned there, anyone having even a little bit of clue will understand who really the story was about. (my humble assumption) ;) It is morning. The pine trees cast their long sh... Read full Story
Jane from Guess Bar
Again an awesome reader submitted story. One of our lucky readers says he had a great fuck with Ladyboy Jane. Was in BKK in Oct 07 looking for love in all the wrong places. In particular one sexy cum kitten called Jane from Guess bar, Sukhumvit soi 1. When i arrived i found a complex of beer bars... Read full Story
First time with a ladyboy
Another little first timer's story and 5 minutes of glory for our reader Greg. I remember my fist time like it was yesterday. We met at a bar the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. A the end of the night she asked me for a ride home so natrally I gave Her one. She looked so hot in her tigh... Read full Story
Got fucked by a Hawaiian shemale
This little nice story was posted at our blog today by a guy who calls himself "Shemale Horny". Enjoy reading. I was in the army stationed in Hawaii. My friend took me to a club down on Hotel st. We got a little buzzed but i remember there was some of the most beautiful women there or s... Read full Story
My First Ladyboy
I was working in Bangkok a couple of years ago. As was the normal practice all the guys would finish work on a Friday afternoon and head to the local bar for a couple of beers.. This particular Friday we were in the usual place chatting and having a nice relaxing time......when she walked in....t... Read full Story
A slave for three beautiful shemales
Here's another great story that was submitted by one of our readers. Enjoy reading. I used to be a bouncer at a night club and one day after my shift a very foxy black busty babe approached me just outside the club. She was wearing hot pink track pants and itty bitty tube top that was some how ho... Read full Story
Deep Throating Shemale
Yvonne is one of my best friends and we do more than just hang out at the local nightclub. She has long wavy black hair and dark violet eyes. Like me, she is also a pre-op transsexual, which means she has breasts and a penis. In the few years that we have known each other, she has taught me a lot ab... Read full Story
Cast party
My name is Dan, and I have always considered myself an adventurous and open minded person, but my experience was taken to a whole new level in my junior year of college when I got involved in an amateur theatre group. We all got along astoundingly well and I found myself becoming friends with severa... Read full Story
She showed them the pictures
Some years ago, While my wife and I were separated, I was out of state and she called to ask if she could use the computer at my place. When I returned home she asked about the pictures she found of me all dressed up like a whore with some guys cock in my mouth and of me setting on a dildo and takin... Read full Story
Once a Slut Always a Slut
I held my breath – and then I knew I had crossed a line – I had become by my submission, in that instant of time, another individual. I had known Paul Phillips since I had arrived at the local school in the village some 6 years before. We had moved on together to the grammar school in... Read full Story
My first experience
I was in a pub with my friends when i noticed a really atractive female sat at the bar, my friends were all leaving and i told them i was going to stay for a while. So i walked up to this girl and asked if i could buy her a drink. She agreed so i bought her this drink and we started talking. later t... Read full Story
Another time Another Place Finale
A taxi was waiting outside. I was ushered by Richard towards the rear door and he hissed, “Don’t forget you are a girl now Charlotte and you should have been taught how to get into a taxi” In a haze of nervousness I did as I had been told. I tried to follow Renata’s instructi... Read full Story
My two encounters with shemales
I love it when our readers submit their stories. This one was posted by Harry a couple hours ago and i think it deserves its own post. Let us call the story "My two encounters with shemales". Enjoy reading! Last winter while on vacation I also had sex with the most beautiful shemale, wo... Read full Story
My Filipina transsexual penpal
I too feel very attracted to Ladyboys, especially Asians. Since I started looking at the Ladyboy sites a part of me feels deperate to one day date, and maybe even be with a transsexual the rest of my life. I feel that I will never be sexually complete until I have finally had sex with an Asian Ladyb... Read full Story
Tranny Lisa's first sexual experience
My name is Lisa, I am a 25 year old well hung little lady. Looking at me you would never believe with my perfect girlie body what I have in store for you. The things that I can do and teach you would blow the mind of the most advanced sex addict. Run your hand down feeling my feminine curves, a litt... Read full Story
My ladyboy in a bar fantasy
Our reader, Mark, writes about his ultimate fantasy about meeting a ladyboy in a bar and petting her right there through her clothes. Things like that always arouse me, and what is more, Mark has a very remarkable and vivid writing style. Most erotic read! While I haven't experienced one to date,... Read full Story
I prefer ladyboys
I prefer Ladyboys than girls and if that makes me a gay guy then so be it. I live on my own in New Zealand and have a Ladyboy Friend in Thailand, whom I am very much in love with. We are planning to live together in Thailand within the next months. My Ladyboy Friend is very Beautiful and SHE takes... Read full Story
A French Maid For Me?
After calling the cleaning service, I really hoped that they would send some hot young cutie to tidy up my pad. When the doorbell rang, I dabbed the last bit of cologne on and headed for the door. Upon opening the door, my heart sank. The most beautiful woman stood at my door in a French maid's u... Read full Story
Rain Check
Today was the first real day of autumn weather. I couldn’t hold still. After being cooped up all summer with the heat . . . ugh, I tell you, you folks who don’t live in the South have no idea how oppressive the heat gets. You can’t go outside, can’t play, can’t drive ar... Read full Story
The Man of Her Dreams
Rita was often alone. She found it very difficult to have relationships with anyone, even just on a friend level. Being a shemale meant that she had faced ridicule a lot of her life and she sometimes found it easier to just shut herself away, She had been in relationships in the past, but the men sh... Read full Story
The Unexpected Pleasure
Sally and her friend Caroline were lesbians and often went out for evenings together. They were close and tended to spend the night with each other if neither of them had found any one else by the end of the evening. They were both looking for something a little more than their friendship and closen... Read full Story
The Anniversary
After ten years of marriage, Anne and Edward were still very much in love. They had no children and still had a very active sex life. They tried to keep things interesting by trying new positions, techniques and playing games. They often role played and wore costumes which was a lot of fun. Howev... Read full Story
My Transsexual Neighbor
I was excited when I heard the news that someone was finally renting the apartment across the hallway from mine. The place had been empty ever since George left. We got along pretty good and would occasionally hit the nearby club during the weekends. I was hoping that the new tenant would be like Ge... Read full Story
Amanda at Transcend in Sydney
I just love the tgirls in Australia, at least the ones I know, they are all unique in their own way and very very sexy... Amanda at Transcend is one of my favourites...this is a story about a visit with Amanda last year... I had not seen her in a while but as I was in Sydney for work I decided to pa... Read full Story
My three times with shemales
Hello, I first became attracted to Shemales while watching a girl on girl porn movie. A surprise was there was a sexy girl that dropped her panties and out came a huge cock. I was stunned but really arroused. I then became curious and surfed the net for Shemales. I kept thinking something was wro... Read full Story
Suffered for years
I am one of those guys that have suffered for years, 29 now, I have fantasized about shemales since I was about 15, wouldnt dare come out in school, got a blue collar "macho" job, met a woman at 21 fell in love, (i am very straight yet extremely bi-curious) got married, have a step son, lo... Read full Story
Giving shemale a blowjob for the first time
I've been fantasizing about a shemale cock for a long time. Get me right, I am a straight man and all, but somehow the idea of sucking a girl's dick always turned me on. I'm not a big fan of anal sex and I don't think I'd love someone's cock in my ass, I'd rather prefer to give shemale a blowjob. ... Read full Story
A TV in the Shoe Store
I work at a ladies shoe store at a large metropolitan mall. My name is Jillian, though my friends all call me Jilly. Those same friends also say that I am blessed with a beautiful face, and an athletic body! Pretty heady for a 30 year old woman whose ideas of athletics never got beyond sports i... Read full Story
I've dumped my boyfriend. Now he wants cock..
Me and Marc had been going out for 7 months. He's nothing that special to the eyes but he has a way with words. He could put a simple sentenced together and get any girl, any age, with any genitals? I thought it was only a rumor going around that he was Bi-sexual so i ignored it completely because ... Read full Story
His First Tranny
He quietly said "Is it true you have a dick?" I looked directly at him and told him he should put his hands under my skirt and find out.I got hard right away. I love the way my dick feels rubbing against my panties. He put his palm over my panties and starts stroking my dick. His eye... Read full Story
The Hot Girl at the Bar
My girlfriend and I broke up the week before, so I was pretty depressed. The guys at work decided to take me out to the bar after work to get wasted cause that’s what we do. So we all packed into the truck and headed to the bar. When we got there we were the first ones in that night so we sa... Read full Story
Shemale Love Story - part 1
Let me tell you a story of a shemale and her lover. Some background is required here. My girlfriend (we'll call her Lisa) was at the time about 27 years old and had been single for sometime after a bad experience with a man. She is a stunning girl, and most people would not know she was transsexual ... Read full Story
Attracted to transsexual ladies
Surfing shemale forums, i have stumbled upon a post of a man, who saw t-ladies for the first time two years ago and became very attracted to them. I was deeply touched reading this, and i hope so will You. What's wrong with me? Up until about 2 years ago i never even knew these ladies existed. I ... Read full Story
New Leather
I have a super-sexy new coat! It’s black leather, has lacings and D-rings as detail all over it, a high collar, straps to close it in front, and a red lining. It’s very . . . well, it’s like something out of a vampire movie, so maybe it’s a bit much for everyday wear, but I t... Read full Story
Shemale Skirt
I have long legs and I love showing them off by wearing skirts. I found a short pink skirt a few weeks ago that I just had to have. I bought the pink skirt and tried it on as soon as I arrived home at my small apartment. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that the skirt was much shorter t... Read full Story
Philippines Shemale
I first met Claire in a video chat room a few months ago. I was looking through the directory of a popular webcam site and found her picture. The petite Asian was shown with her legs spread high above her head and her mouth around the tip of her ten inch penis. Her nickname was TSFantasy and I knew ... Read full Story
TV loving cock
Sorry I didn't keep you posted on Saturday night, but I was sorta busy being my usual slutty self. Story to follow: I talked to a guy on megaphone. He works as a night security guard at a big office building on the edge of town. He is there all by himself in this huge, mostly vacant building, in ... Read full Story
Perfect combination
Mary had always preferred to go out with girls rather than men. She found girls were more gentle and kind and loving which is what she liked from a relationship. She found that men tended to treat her badly and did not satisfy her in bed either. She was not in a relationship at the moment though, ha... Read full Story
The Hottest Shag With Naughty Sheena!
I was home one night, feeling kind of down and lonely and that is why I started browsing the dating sites. I wasn't really serious about it, I just needed something to occupy my mind. I came across of free shemale chat and thought to myself that it might be fun. I started chatting with a really stun... Read full Story
How I became a gurl
So how did you become a gurl? That's the question almost everyone I meet or chat with asks me... how did you become such a sexy transvestite, when did you figure it out, when did you learn you liked cock. I actually love the question, because it turns me on to answer it. When I was 15 or 16... Read full Story