Free Stories

First TS sex
I think I was near my 35Th birthday and, believe it or not I had never had experience with a transsexual. I had plenty adventures with men and liked it very much as well as with women. Decidedly I was completely bi. As I wrote in previous stories, I’m writing about near 30 years ago. It was... Read full Story
First Meeting with Couple
Hi everyone, I actually went through with it and got together with the couple from the fetish party to experience my first sex and scene in real life. It didn't go as i had dreamed of; but, thinking that it would go like that was pretty naive on my part. To start with, i Must tell how cute I l... Read full Story
More TS sex
Some time passed since my first encounter with the lovely transvestite and I often remembered it in my lonely bed. But I couldn’t make the decision to seek her again. Maybe afraid from being seen, as she used to walk around near my office I started leaving office before dark. When I went ou... Read full Story
My Sister's First Bra
When I was growing up, I was very close to my mother and my sister. My Dad had skipped out on us when I was two. I really don't remember him at all, and to this day i don't ever want to see him again. It was only natural thatI did "girly" things instead of playing ball with the boys. I did... Read full Story
Lucky Afternoon
For the past few years I have had this urge to have sex with a man. After finding Xhamster The urge has gotten to the point where I was going to have to do something about it. I found a guy on this site who told me what to watch out for and the best places to meet someone. I do not like going to bar... Read full Story
I had gotten dolled up nice and slutty looking in my motel room, and had been internet chatting for a couple of hours, so I was feeling very sexy. All dressed up and nowhere to go in a small southern town. I peeked out my window and could see that the place looked pretty dead. No lights were on in t... Read full Story
The Teacher and Me
Funniest and hottest story of my life right here: Growing up in a small, redneck community, I wasn't going to come out of the closet anytime soon. I had to find an outlet for my sexual desires, even if just for a single night. I resorted to Craig's List the day I turned 18. So there I was on c... Read full Story
Wild halloween night
First sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Hallow... Read full Story
Womanly experience 8 - forest punishment
So we were walking through the forest one day. My father was out fishing and looking for a good spot next to the river while I lingered behind him. That day I wore Dr. Marten's boots, black nylons, a black thong that was more like a string, a short black skirt, no bra (had smaller tits back then), a... Read full Story
Birthday Treat
It was my thirtieth birthday and my wife Alisha had a surprise planned for me, it was one surprise that I will never forget. I found myself on a plane going to Amsterdam, Alisha had planned a dirty weekend for us and what better way than to spend it in Amsterdam. We did the usual, walked round the r... Read full Story
You Just Never Know... ya know?
I was out on the road, On my way to Montreal at the end of my stint behind the wheel. I pulled into a roadside rest area, or lay-by... or in this case a 'pickle park', a cruising area for local and tranient gay and bi-men looking for a quick NSA hook-up. Hell, so was I. I was all nice and clean f... Read full Story
Cheating Partner
Have you ever imagined what it would feel like if you found your partner in bed with another person? Well I did, it happened to me not that long ago. I got home from work later then usual. I parked the car in the driveway as always and opened the front door of my typical urban house. I called out fo... Read full Story
My transformation
is fiction It is strange where one’s desires can lead one. Take me as an example. Always entirely enamored of, infatuated with and completely submissive to all things feminine, a true devotee of Female Supremacy, my lifelong fantasy has always, since before I can remember, been to find a ... Read full Story
What I do best
I lick my lips and taste the gorgeous deep red lipstick applied so carefully; I glance at my image reflected in the minicab windows and gaze at the evening revellers as they make their way to the clubs and bars in London’s West End. I am amazed that here I am dressed as a complete slut in an o... Read full Story
Porn shop slut
I walked into the booth excited to use my new toy, while dressed in garters and sexy panties under my loose fitting jeans. I had just purchased a lovely new butt plug and could not wait to try it out on my pretend pussy. Taking my jeans down I deposited a token into the slot and got out my lube and... Read full Story
New boyfriend and first sex with him
Turns out the guy I sucked in the faculty (college) toilet actually suspected I was a trans and that turns him on. And not only he's into trans he also told me he loves BDSM. I don't have to tell you how great this is, but let's start at the beginning. The other day after the "toilet inciden... Read full Story
The weekend came fast and Miss Tranny Feet wanted to meet the man that had been sending her stories for weeks now. Each story had gotten more and more intense and now when she saw his name on the post, visions of long hours of touching her long slender legs worked her up into a rubbing frenzy. Sh... Read full Story
I want you used!
I'd been Will's little CD slut every time that I'd overnighted in his city for about a year. That was one night every other week. He was always very good to me, bringing wine to my room and spoiling me with his gentleness as he had his way with me. He loved to have me lie still while he teased me al... Read full Story
Crossdressing fun
I always love to crossdress when Im horny I love the feeling of being a woman and seducing a man. Older men have always attracted me here is my fantasy. I dress up one day with a red thong red bra black nylons short skirt and blouse and get online. I find a man who likes me and is ready to play. I c... Read full Story
How I Became a 'SHAMAN
Every one is programed by society to play a certian role in life,that they are taught is reality,how ever, the truth is reality is what ever you want to make it! this is what magic is all about,making your own reality. I played the manly role in life for fourty-four years until I realized this,and b... Read full Story
Caught in the act
After my first encounter with John’s dick, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Two weeks later we met at a friend’s party and we talked about it. He was worried his girl friend might find out. I told him he had noting to worry about as I had as much to lose as he had. But I also said... Read full Story
One Night In Heaven
As I arrived at Ginny’s place she met me at the door dressed In a see thought black dress stocking clad legs and high heeled shoes We kissed and cuddled a t the door and then she turned round to lead me into the front room. As she turned I saw her sexy ass and my cock started to get hard. ... Read full Story
Practically gang at a sex club!
About 6 months ago I went to my local sex club in Sydney. It was only about 8pm and not much usually is going on at that time. On the 2nd story there is called the "Orgy Room" a place where people go and sit on the bed with no locked door and it's just first cum first served. I stuc... Read full Story
The Convoy
Several years back I was driving down I-95 south through South Carolina. I was dressed in fishnet thigh highs; platform heels, g-string, bra, all black. Over it was a black zip up the front mini dress. I had a hand held CB radio so that I could hear truckers talk about me as I passed them, and I'd b... Read full Story
The Meeting
I had used computers all of my life. It was something that I had always felt very comfortable with and when I got the Internet it was something which really opened my mind. Being a shemale meant that I had felt very alone and very different but the Internet meant that I could find out about other pe... Read full Story
The invitation
The envelope was waiting on the mat when Jack and Sally got home from college to the small house they shared in North London. Sally scooped it and what was obviously yet another bill up from the floor and plonked them down on the table in the hall as she shrugged off her coat. The young pair were se... Read full Story
A Trannie takes her first big black cock
Sitting on the lounge at my local sex club I was watching the guys go by. You get to notice certain guys going past trying not to look like they are checking you out on the sly (and vice versa) thinking how they can approach me. Normally it’s just the usual crowd of guys but several weeks a... Read full Story
I finally take the plunge
I'd been crossdressing for a few months at this point but I'd never gone outside while dressed in women's clothing. I'd been to the shops once, wearing one of my outfits under my normal male clothes; that's the closest I've ever been but even that gave me an intense thrill. Even under a fairly loose... Read full Story
For a while I worked as a transsexual street prost
When I first moved to Sydney in my mid 20’s I had trouble meeting the bills. This was desperate times so after a lot of soul searching I decided that the only thing I could do was to become a prostitute. I knew Sydney that the transsexual prostitutes picked up clients on William Street near... Read full Story
I decided to try prostate milking today...
So last night when I was browsing the infinite collections on xhamster, i came across a video of a tranny ( <3 ) doing something called "prostate milking". I had never heard of this before so I click on the video to see what it is. First off the lady starring in this video was gorgeous,... Read full Story
First time in Bangkok
If you have read my story about the first time I was with a TS girl then you know my experience was limited to just a few times. So about 4 years ago I went to Thailand to visit my buddy who was working there in a high profile job with the Thai government. We stayed in his apartment on the 40th floo... Read full Story
A succulent shemale cock in my mouth
Not only the readers of our ladyboy blog love jerking off to our shemale sex stories, some of them are also willing to share. A guy named Steve was always curious about how a shemale cock would taste in his mouth and he just had to let it all out. TFS, Steve. I have always wanted to know what it ... Read full Story
Sleazy shemale fantasies
Sifting through the comments that readers leave at Trans Ladyboy, i have found two really hot shemale fantasies that I would like to devote separate space to. They are both written by two horny guys, wyocock and Eddie, who dream about being with shemales all days long (the only difference is that E... Read full Story
I think of myself as resolutely straight. I look at a lot of porn although I have plenty of girls to fuck. Steven, an old college buddy, dropped by and proposed that we go to a shemale bar that night. I was shocked and refused. But Steven retorted that if I was sure about my sexuality, I should have... Read full Story
Foursome with two ladyboys
It's been quite some time since I posted a new shemale story here. Hope all of You who have experience with shemales will finally have some courage to write about it and share it with us. Let this sizzling story by Tommy be an inspiration to You. Who wouldn't want to be in his place in this crazy fo... Read full Story
Road trip in India
Well as it happened i had to go out of town for some work and since i was travelling alone in my car i carried my bra n panty with me. i had to go to delhi and i got free around 9 pm and i started the drive back to my place abt 3-4 hrs drive on the way ii stopped on the out skirts of Delhi on a dark... Read full Story
First time in panties
When I was around 11, I started to enjoy playing with myself. I didnt realize at first what I was doing, but I knew it felt soo good. When I was alone at home, I would get naked at walk around the house just playing with my cock and feeling so excited. It was during one of these times that I started... Read full Story
Chatroom trick
I couldn’t believe I was doing this, as I stood by her front door I struggle to find breath on a surprisingly clear day. It had started some months ago, and internet chatroom, boy those things can be dangerous. I had spoke to Mary almost every night, soon chats turned to sex then to fantasies.... Read full Story
Good hardcore fuck with a shemale from Vancouver
Our reader Tommy writes about one of his adventures with a shemale. Sure, it turned out to be not as romantic, but, as he says, nevertheless it was a good hardcore fuck! Thanks to him for this great story. One night on biz in Vancouver I saw some adverts in the paper for shemales and got hot and ... Read full Story
A slave for three beautiful shemales
Here's another great story that was submitted by one of our readers. Enjoy reading. I used to be a bouncer at a night club and one day after my shift a very foxy black busty babe approached me just outside the club. She was wearing hot pink track pants and itty bitty tube top that was some how ho... Read full Story
Party with my best friend
To continue the topic of shemales fucking girls, I am publishing this awesome story of a young girl getting fucked by her high school friend! Enjoy reading! My name is Cindy, and I am 18 years old. I have blonde hair and brown eyes, and boys think I am very sexy and attractive. But the story I am... Read full Story
Once a Slut Always a Slut
I held my breath – and then I knew I had crossed a line – I had become by my submission, in that instant of time, another individual. I had known Paul Phillips since I had arrived at the local school in the village some 6 years before. We had moved on together to the grammar school in... Read full Story
My first experience
I was in a pub with my friends when i noticed a really atractive female sat at the bar, my friends were all leaving and i told them i was going to stay for a while. So i walked up to this girl and asked if i could buy her a drink. She agreed so i bought her this drink and we started talking. later t... Read full Story
Another time Another Place Finale
A taxi was waiting outside. I was ushered by Richard towards the rear door and he hissed, “Don’t forget you are a girl now Charlotte and you should have been taught how to get into a taxi” In a haze of nervousness I did as I had been told. I tried to follow Renata’s instructi... Read full Story
She became He
The day started as normal, wake up get dressed, have breakfast,but today was going to be anything but any normal day. I decided that i would take the day off work and visit a local sex cinema,i had never been to one before and was a bit aprehensive but i thought sod it let's just do it. Upon r... Read full Story
A French Maid For Me?
After calling the cleaning service, I really hoped that they would send some hot young cutie to tidy up my pad. When the doorbell rang, I dabbed the last bit of cologne on and headed for the door. Upon opening the door, my heart sank. The most beautiful woman stood at my door in a French maid's u... Read full Story
Finally, My First Tranny!!!
I just came out of the doctor's office in downtown Philly from my 3 month check-up. I was pretty horney since my doctor is a female and I had a complete physical so she and her nurse were in the room with me. I got to the train station to go back to Willow Grove and was standing on the platform when... Read full Story
Been a ladyboy slave
I have been a slave to a ladyboy in thailand. I challenged her to wrestling match to see who is dominant and she won and sat on top of me nearly naked with her cock hanging over my face, and proceded to taunt me, and made me suck her cock and submit to her. Then she strapped a leash on me and tol... Read full Story
Suffered for years
I am one of those guys that have suffered for years, 29 now, I have fantasized about shemales since I was about 15, wouldnt dare come out in school, got a blue collar "macho" job, met a woman at 21 fell in love, (i am very straight yet extremely bi-curious) got married, have a step son, lo... Read full Story
Bike time and BekkaCD
Well it was a warm July evening last year during Muskegon Bike time. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy from the few drinks that i had earlier in the day. I had chose to post a ad on craigslist seeking a couple harley riders that would be into having some fun with a gurl such as myself.Well to my surp... Read full Story
I've dumped my boyfriend. Now he wants cock..
Me and Marc had been going out for 7 months. He's nothing that special to the eyes but he has a way with words. He could put a simple sentenced together and get any girl, any age, with any genitals? I thought it was only a rumor going around that he was Bi-sexual so i ignored it completely because ... Read full Story
The Making of Erica - Sperm Loving Crossdresser
Confessions of a Crossdresser I am a crossdresser. It is an addiction. I’ve tried, but I really can’t stop myself: fantasies, endless looking at pornography, shopping, dressing, masturbation, and inevitably, seeking men to please. I have only sucked cocks, but over a hundred at my las... Read full Story
First time public
My First Time In Crowded Place As Cross Dresser about 2 months ago, i got up the courage to go to a crowded public place dressed for the first time i put a post on craigslist saying where i was going and what i was wearing then i drove to shopping center parking lot and dressed up in the car, m... Read full Story
Philippines Shemale
I first met Claire in a video chat room a few months ago. I was looking through the directory of a popular webcam site and found her picture. The petite Asian was shown with her legs spread high above her head and her mouth around the tip of her ten inch penis. Her nickname was TSFantasy and I knew ... Read full Story
Been dreaming this for a while...
Been imagining an encounter with a hairy tall man, Been masturbating while I crossdress. Still a virgin analy but it might not last for long, an encounter will soon be coming. My perfect night would be this... Tall man ebters my hotel room, we talk, I am fully dressed in lingerie, black! High ... Read full Story
She Male Tube Videos Calmed Me Down After A Fantasy I had In The Bus
I was going back home from a stressful working day. Bus was full of people and I barely managed to get into it. I was tired and stressed out and I couldn't wait to come home and do something that will relax me. Usually, I would fill in a bath tab, drink wine and listen to the music. This time I w... Read full Story