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Miss Bernie

We got the information from Jan before they left and we visited the day-Care the next day. We were both very impressed with the neatness and cleanliness of the facilities. The place was originally a small Motel built in a U shape around a pool. It had twenty rooms and an office. The rooms on one side had been modified so that they all joined to form rooms for babies of all ages up to two years. The older children were in the rooms on the other side of the U. The pool was filled with sand and grass and held slides and jungle gyms. The closed end of the U held the office and two Staff rooms. The inside of the U was enclosed by a screened roof.

We talked with the owner, Caroline Jackson, and she gave us a brief rundown on the financial aspects of the business. She said that if we discussed things and were serious she would let an auditor of our choice go through the books.

At home we talked very seriously about the day care. The people who ran our Witness Protection Plan had advised us that when our new Identities were comfortable and well established we would be encouraged and helped to find jobs or start a business.

We contacted our case officer and gave him the details of the business. He was back to us the next afternoon. He said the business checked out and had an AAA rating from the BBB and a Superior rating from all the Florida state inspectors and agencies concerned. He recommended that we seriously consider buying the business. He gave us the name of a business consultant he suggested we contact as soon as we made up our minds.

The consultant met with us and we called the business owner and all of us met together. In the end we reached an agreement that pleased everyone. We bought the business and Caroline agreed to stay on as the manager for a minimum of a year at a nice salary. She was very happy because she loved the business and interacting with the parents and children.

Janie and I worked there every morning and took on-line courses from the University in the afternoons and some evenings.

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