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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 5

Mike bucked. She squirmed. She cavorted.

She screamed. She cried. She whimpered. She clamored, repeatedly and unrelentingly, beseeching the Almighty On High to grant her the unparalleled rapture of physical fulfillment.

She began to fantasize. In her mind, instead of it being her boyhood friend who was making love to her, Mike became an avowed narcissist as she began to picture her male-self getting it on with her female-self. Then, in a strange, though far more erotic turn of events, the scenario that was being played out in her mind modulated. Instead of it being Mike's male-self who was engaged in making passionate love to her female-self, both of the fantasized lovers were not only female, both were the thoroughly feminized renditions of Mike, herself. In her mind, Mike had cloned an identical twin, and that twin was eagerly engaged in eating the other Mike out.

John had purposely paced himself, so as to extend the duration of this fourth sexual go-around of theirs for as long humanly possible. However, upon the realization that his buddy had reached the shit or get off the pot point in the proceedings, the point where she was thoroughly primed and ready, and that to postpone the inevitable any longer would prove detrimental, John deftly repositioned himself. Moving his torso into the inviting splay of those ever so lovely, sculptured long legs of Mike's, and without breaking stride or dropping a stitch, John lowered his head into position and eagerly began to perform the selfless act of cunnilingus.

Seconds later, Mike was hanging ten, as she rode the tsunami like wave of her cresting elation. Concurrently, the unbridled pleasure that was chaotically billowing and surging within her reached a level that surpassed excruciating. Several tongue swipes later, critical mass was achieved and the spasmodic chain reaction of orgasmic Nirvana unleashed.

Having allowed his friend an appreciable amount of time to once again savor and enjoy the warm-fuzzies of post-orgasmic bliss in silence, John felt compelled to ask, "So, tell me, kiddo, was it as good for you this time as it was before?"

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