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Andre Becomes Andrea

"That's true." I said.

I was not sure what I was agreeing to. I decided to play along.

"So, tell me about yourself, Andrea." I said.

"Andrea is very creative. She has her own website. She is very liberated. She comes and goes as she pleases." Andrea said. "Andrea is very willing to see things through."

My first impulse was too burst out laughing, but this scene was too real, too emotional, to take lightly. I sensed that my entire friendship with Andre could end if the wrong thing was said. I had no real reason to end things. I cared about my friend. I had known him since elementary school. We chatted for about an hour. No word of Andre was made. Andrea owned the room now, and she moved about it as an individual who was girly and into fashion. Her long hair and bouncy skirt were suddenly appealing to me. I was starting a friendship with Andrea. I had accepted her, but I had to get out of the room to gather my thoughts. I told her that I had something to do for my brother and started to excuse myself. In her heels, she was taller than me. She leaned into me and initiated a kiss on the cheek. I accepted her kiss and did the same to her.

"I am glad to have met you, Andrea." I said.

"Likewise." She said.

Andrea brushed her hand across my arm. I turned to leave, unsure at this point if I would ever see Andre again. Nonetheless, I left with a hard on. I was playing her voice over and over in my head as I went down the stairs. His mother sat quietly in the living room and did not say goodbye to me.


Professors would be speaking, and everything they said could have well been in another language. I was clueless. All I could do was think about Andre and how he was becoming someone else. In the cafeteria, I just sat there with an empty tray. People usually said hello to me, but they must have sensed I was processing something, because no one approached me. How could he make himself into a desirable girl? Was he growing breasts? My best friend had titties? I was starting to have fantasies involving Andrea. I felt that I was comfortable in my masculinity, and was still hopelessly attracted to girls, but Andre/Andrea was something special. Andrea was a girl. Wasn't she? I thought to myself.

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