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A Boy and Laura

... I have ... ... I have a penis ... - She finally finished giving Jonas a scare, who stopped the caresses and tried to push her away, but she continued trying to reach his lips her. - I like women - he said trying to interrupt her - I am a woman - She continued. Despite trying to push her away, he himself didn't let her get too far away, maybe he didn't even want to. - I... I don't want... - He tried to speak, but she brought her finger to his lips with one hand and reached for his cock, still smeared with her spittle with the other hand - Shhhhhh... Don't lie to me - She stroked the penis that showed no sign of softening. – You want me to stop? – She questioned. 'Yes,' Jonas replied, but Laura shook her head as she smiled. - I asked him - Laura said looking at Jonas's penis, which revealed the boy's true intentions.
Jonas lay down, covering his face with his hands, embarrassed. Laura, still caressing him, approached his face, laughing she said: - He said no, but if he's lying, he can get up and leave - she complemented her speech with a kiss, this time on Jonas's cheek. Jonas looked at Laura, now you could practically hear her prayer knocking. Seeing her feminine, angelic, smiling, seductive face, Jonas simply didn't have the strength to get up, so he kissed Laura again. - Good choice - She praised him - You want to fuck my ass, don't you? - She questioned him, already with malice on the tip of her tongue. “Yes,” Jonas replied. “But it won't,” she whispered. Laura's hand that was stroking Jonas's cock was now massaging her balls, but soon she lowered it a little lower, bringing a finger up to his ass. – Today you're mine, and you'll like every second, because that's what you want, you just don't know it yet – She whispered again, Jonas didn't even think to deny it, there was another small kiss and Laura got up, took off her thong and she lowered her panties, removing any traces of doubt, there was his penis, a white penis with small balls and a pink head, in fulfillment it was the same as Jonas's (Slightly above average), but it was thicker and almost bursting with excitement and rigidity. Laura sat beside Jonas on the bed, her back against the headboard, and said, "Come on." And he went.

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