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Cassandra Chapter 2

Mistress would lead me by a leash clipped to a wide collar fastened around my throat. Mistress loved to 'play', spanking or whipping me in front of an always-aroused audience. I often orgasmed spontaneously, lost in a dream world of pleasure-pain. Afterward, Mistress encouraged her friends to fondle my ripe body and frequently loaned me out to another Mistress or Master, that I may pleasure them in the ways I had learned so well.

Everyone in the office was excited about the coming of another Halloween. The company party this year was to be more elaborate; an evening affair with buffet dinner, open bar, music, and games. This was, in part, the company's way of saying "thanks" for a just-ended fiscal year, which saw sales and profits at an all-time high. There would be the obligatory costume contest, of course, but this year there was a new twist. We weren't to wear our costumes to work that day. Instead, we would go home after work, change, then come back for the party.

We each published anonymous clues in the company newsletter, distributed the afternoon of the party, hinting at who we were and what we would be dressed as. The contest involved matching the clues to the employee and correctly identifying the costume before the event. There would be prizes for best costume (of course), accurately guessing the most employee/costume combinations, and for any employee who could stump everyone.

I had bittersweet emotions about the whole affair. We received word that Debbie would return from her maternity leave on the First of November. I suddenly saw my "perfect life" coming to a rapid end. I knew that my position was only intended to be temporary, but I loved it so. I wanted it to go on forever! I didn't know WHAT I would do now. I couldn't go back to being "Matt"; physically, temperamentally, and emotionally, he just wasn't part of me anymore. I didn't really need a job - Melissa could provide for us comfortably - but I couldn't see leaving Barnes and Bidwell and all my friends. I wanted to go all out for what I perceived to be my 'last hurrah'. Melissa offered a suggestion; simple, elegant - and completely "over the top". I loved it! After hours of careful deliberation, I submitted the following poem for publication in the newsletter's contest:

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